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      Hello everyone,


Thank you for visiting my website! My name is Michael Caprio and I'm a 26 year old author living in Northern New Jersey. I earned my BS in Communications/Journalism at Ramapo College of New Jersey. I recently published my memoir, "A Bump in the Road" which details my health battle with a rare genetic condition called Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. 


In my book I share my personal transformation from before my operations, during recovery, and life after. Along with my own personal journey I detail my families medical history with the illness. Being that it is genetic, it has been running in my family for four generations. I owe it all to the incredible care of my families surgeons throughout the years at Mount Sinai Hospital. I hope my book can shed some light on the coping tools I used to get over my circumstances.


 My families condition might be rare, but the experiences we went through were not. Life is difficult and everyone faces a few "bumps in the road"--I hope the insights in my book can help others overcome the obstacles placed in their lives. 


In my book I talk about my support group between me, my aunt, my grandma, and my mom as "The Club" since we all share the same condition. I hope this can be a space for others to feel like they aren't alone as well. 






A Bump in the Road

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Advanced Praise for "A Bump in the Road

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Taylor Kickbush, Author of "Endless in August"

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Carly Newberg, Author of "Good Enough

A Bump in the Road is a moving and informative biography revealing the detriments of a rare genetic disease, its life-long impacts, and how its unfortunate discovery has taught the author to do more than simply exist. In these pages Caprio gracefully unravels his personal pathways to resilience, persistence, and how to live -- a reminder we all need time and time again. A Bump in the Road will be your real-world inspiration for starting life now and never looking back.


Mike Caprio's resiliency is an influential reminder to not let pain from painful circumstances dictate your future. Through his own story, he walks with readers through the convincing lie I'm not good enough, before sweeping them off their feet to find a new beginning and courageously move forward.

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Lauren Stikeleather, Author of "A Mixing Pot of Poems for Thought"

Caprio tells a rare story in a relatable way— reading his words makes you feel as though you know him personally. His story is honest, introspective, and completely captivating. I was deeply moved to read about such a difficult but triumphant journey.

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